Telecommunication Systems and Networks


Course arrangement  read more

Assessment method

How to pass this course and important dates     read more


Books which can be helpful for studying  read more

The assessment of the student skills consists of a  project part evaluation and theoretical  part evaluation made  in the written form (two tests). The first test consists of few computational problems to be solved, it covers the theoretical part of the course. The second test is a multiple-choice test covering the entire material. Maximum note for the theoretical part is 60 points, each of two tests is worth 30 points. Up to 40 points can be scored for a project.  51 points is required to pass the course.

The final mark is based on the following rules:

A (5):       91-100 points

B+ (4.5):  81-90 points

B (4):       71-80 points,

C+(3.5):   61-70 points

C (3):       51-60  points

D (2):       0 -50 points, no pass

Assessment schedule:

first test:                4/12/2024  (30  points)

second test:         15/01/2025   (30  points)

tests retake:        22/01/2025

(you can retake only one test, first or second) 

project  presentations:   

        group 101 (room 170):
                                                      11/12/2024   from 2 pm
    15/01/2025   from 2 pm
        group 102 (room 170):
                                                      18/12/2024   from 2 pm
    22/01/2025   from 2 pm


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