Ontology ODA_ServiceDemoHelloWorld

Tables of classes

Class nameDescription

Equivalent class:
    that simse:isAbleToAchieve some (te:Establishment
               that te:refersToCommunication some mc:InstantMessaging
               and te:refersToData some (te:StructuredData
                     that do:hasMimeType value dt:text/plain
                     and do:hasMimeType value dt:image/GIF))
    and simse:requiresDevice some (d:TextCommunicationTerminal
               and d:JavaTerminal
               that d:isDescribedBy some (d:SoftwarePlatform
                     that d:supportVMs some d:JavaVirtualMachine
                     and d:containElements some d:JavaPlatform
                     and d:acceptMime value dt:image/GIF
                     and d:acceptCharSet value de:ISO_8859-1
                     and d:acceptCharSet value de:ISO_8859-2
                     and d:acceptMime value dt:text/plain)
               and d:isDescribedBy some (d:NetworkCharacteristics
                     that d:supportNetworkBearers some (ct:NetworkBearerService
                         that ct:hasBearerType value ct:GPRS))
               and d:isDescribedBy some (d:HardwarePlatform
                     that d:supportInputCharEncodings value de:ISO_8859-1
                     and d:containElements some d:Display
                     and d:supportOutputCharEncodings value de:ISO_8859-2
                     and d:supportInputCharEncodings value de:ISO_8859-2
                     and d:supportOutputCharEncodings value de:ISO_8859-1))
    and simse:canRealizeService some (mc:InstantMessaging
               that mc:containsMessage some (mc:Message
                     that do:hasMimeType value dt:text/plain
                     and do:hasMimeType value dt:image/GIF)
               and te:hasParticipant some (mc:MessageSender
                     or mc:MessageReceiver)
               and simse:requiresDevice some (d:TextCommunicationTerminal
                     and d:JavaTerminal)
               and te:hasNetworkConnectivity value ct:UMTSConnectivity
               and te:hasNetworkConnectivity value ct:GSMConnectivity)
    and simse:isAbleToAchieve some (te:Termination
               that te:refersToCommunication some mc:InstantMessaging
               and te:refersToData some (te:StructuredData
                     that do:hasMimeType value dt:text/plain
                     and do:hasMimeType value dt:image/GIF))

Equivalent class:
    that te:refersToCommunication some mc:InstantMessaging
    and te:refersToData some (te:StructuredData
              that do:hasMimeType some (dt:ImageDataType
                    or dt:TextDataType))

Equivalent class:
    that te:refersToCommunication some mc:InstantMessaging
    and te:refersToData some (te:StructuredData
              that do:hasMimeType some (dt:ImageDataType
                    or dt:TextDataType))

Equivalent class:
    that simse:achievesGoal some (te:Termination
               that te:refersToCommunication some mc:InstantMessaging
               and te:refersToData some (te:StructuredData
                     that do:hasMimeType some (dt:ImageDataType
                        or dt:TextDataType)))
    and simse:achievesGoal some (te:Establishment
              that te:refersToCommunication some mc:InstantMessaging
              and te:refersToData some (te:StructuredData
                    that do:hasMimeType some (dt:ImageDataType
                        or dt:TextDataType)))

Equivalent class:
    that mc:containsMessage some (mc:Message
               that do:hasDataType some (dt:ImageDataType
                     or dt:TextDataType))
    and te:hasParticipant some (mc:MessageSender
              or mc:MessageReceiver)
    and simse:requiresDevice some (d:TextCommunicationTerminal
               and d:JavaTerminal)
    and te:hasNetworkConnectivity some (te:ConnectivityType
               that ct:hasNetworkBearerService value ct:GSM_GPRS_IPV4)
ODA_HelloWorld_ComponentSoftware component which can realize sms message exchange between message exchanging participants through the GSM connectivity. Component is capable to handle message exchange which is described with text/plain MIME type through GSM connectivity. Component can be run on the device which is equipped with MIDP2.0 java platform and can handle text/plain MIME type and ISO-8859-1 char encoding. Required device must be also equipped with display and must support sms bearer type. Using component is able to achieve message sending and receiving goal.

Equivalent class:
    that simse:isAbleToAchieve some (mc:MessageSending
               that te:refersToCommunication some mc:OneWayMessageExchange
               and te:refersToData some (mc:Message
                     that do:hasMimeType value dt:text/plain))
    and simse:canRealizeService some (mc:SMSExchange
               that mc:containsMessage some mc:SMS
               and simse:requiresDevice some d:SMSCommunicationTerminal
               and te:hasParticipant some mc:MessageExchangeParticipant
               and te:hasNetworkConnectivity value ct:GSMConnectivity)
    and simse:requiresDevice some (d:TextCommunicationTerminal
               and d:JavaTerminal
               that d:isDescribedBy some (d:SoftwarePlatform
                     that d:supportVMs some d:JavaVirtualMachine
                     and d:acceptCharSet value de:ISO_8859-1
                     and d:acceptMime value dt:text/plain
                     and d:containElements value d:MIDP2.0)
               and d:isDescribedBy some (d:HardwarePlatform
                     that d:supportInputCharEncodings value de:ISO_8859-1
                     and d:containElements some d:Display
                     and d:supportOutputCharEncodings value de:ISO_8859-1)
               and d:isDescribedBy some (d:NetworkCharacteristics
                     that d:supportNetworkBearers some (ct:DataBearerService
                         or (ct:NetworkBearerService
                     that ct:hasBearerType value ct:SMS_BearerType))))
    and simse:isAbleToAchieve some (mc:MessageReceiving
               that te:refersToCommunication some mc:OneWayMessageExchange
               and te:refersToData some (mc:Message
                     that do:hasMimeType value dt:text/plain))
    and simse:canRealizeService some (mc:OneWayMessageExchange
               that mc:containsMessage some (mc:Message
                     that do:hasMimeType value dt:text/plain)
               and simse:requiresDevice some (d:JavaTerminal
                     and d:TextCommunicationTerminal)
               and te:hasParticipant some mc:MessageExchangeParticipant
               and te:hasNetworkConnectivity value ct:GSMConnectivity)
ODA_HelloWorld_Goal1Defines elementary collaboration goal which is message sending in one way message exchange and refers to messages described with text data type.

Equivalent class:
    that te:refersToCommunication some mc:OneWayMessageExchange
    and te:refersToData some (mc:Message
              that do:hasDataType some dt:TextDataType)
ODA_HelloWorld_Goal2Defines elementary collaboration goal which is message receiving in one way message exchange and refers to messages described with text data type.

Equivalent class:
    that te:refersToCommunication some mc:OneWayMessageExchange
    and te:refersToData some (mc:Message
              that do:hasDataType some dt:TextDataType)
ODA_HelloWorld_SemanticInterfaceDefines semantic interface which is able to achieve message sending and receiving goal. Goals are achieved in one way message exchange and refers to messages described with text data type.

Equivalent class:
    that simse:achievesGoal some (mc:MessageReceiving
               that te:refersToCommunication some mc:OneWayMessageExchange
               and te:refersToData some (mc:Message
                     that do:hasDataType some dt:TextDataType))
    and simse:achievesGoal some (mc:MessageSending
              that te:refersToCommunication some mc:OneWayMessageExchange
              and te:refersToData some (mc:Message
                    that do:hasDataType some dt:TextDataType))
ODA_HelloWorld_Service1Hello world service is exchange of text messagas which are described with text data types. Service require connectivities which is able to transfer data or text. Service could be run on text devices and equipped with java virtual machine. In service participate message exchange participants.

Equivalent class:
    that mc:containsMessage some (mc:Message
               that do:hasDataType some dt:TextDataType)
    and te:hasNetworkConnectivity some (te:ConnectivityType
               that ct:hasNetworkBearerService some (ct:DataBearerService
                      or ct:TextBearerService))
    and simse:requiresDevice some (d:TextCommunicationTerminal
               and d:JavaTerminal)
    and te:hasParticipant some mc:MessageExchangeParticipant
ODA_HelloWorld_Service2Hello world service can be exchange of sms messages. Service require device which is able to handle sms communication. Service require connectivity which support sms bearer type. In service participate message exchange participants.

Equivalent class:
    that mc:containsMessage some mc:SMS
    and te:hasParticipant some mc:MessageExchangeParticipant
    and simse:requiresDevice some d:SMSCommunicationTerminal
    and te:hasNetworkConnectivity some (te:ConnectivityType
               that ct:hasNetworkBearerService some (ct:NetworkBearerService
                      that ct:hasBearerType value ct:SMS_BearerType))

Table of object properties

Property nameDescription

Table of datatype properties

Property nameDescription

Table of individuals

Individual nameDescription